Thursday, March 30, 2017

When you're too good at sex

A year and a half ago my ex husband told me he wanted to end our marriage. We had been married for six and a half years; the whole of our relationship spanned almost a decade. I was devastated, to put it mildly. He left me so he could go fuck his coworker. He told me they were just friends, but they went "public" with their relationship before the divorce papers were signed, and were engaged less than a year after the divorce was final. Just friends my ass. He was too cheap to buy her a ring. That ho can have fun dealing with his broke ass now, as far as I'm concerned.

Ahem. Anyway, when he left me, my friend called him to try and see if she could help fix things. The conversation degraded to him essentially interrogating her about my history. He was trying to find some dirt on me, because telling people he left me to go fuck another chick doesn't make him sound noble.

A bit of background: I only had one boyfriend before him. It was a friend I dated in high school for three months, so it barely counted. Being a good little Catholic girl, I did not go "all the way" with this guy. I saved myself for...well, for engagement at least. I lost my virginity to my ex husband, not my ex boyfriend.

However, I hit third base with this ex boyfriend. I did everything but. My ex husband was well aware of this.

After my ex dumped me, he started interrogating my best friend about this ancient history boyfriend. He wanted to know if there was any way I could have lied about my sexual history, about losing my virginity to him, if there was any way I had fucked my ex boyfriend before him. Apparently, I did some things in the bedroom that seemed "too good and too experienced" for a virgin.

Why would I have lied about an ex boyfriend? Why would it have mattered over a decade after the fact?

Those are good questions. But the question I really want to know is, if he thought I was particularly good at something in bed -- and no, I don't know specifically what I did that he thought I was "too good" at; yes, I'm curious as well -- if I was really that fucking good, why the fuck would you not want that? Why would you dump that? If I was that good, if I was "too good", stop questioning it and just fucking enjoy it already!

IDK what I did. I read magazines and watch porn and get ideas from those. That's all I can offer. Yes, girls can watch porn, too. Even good little Catholic girls. (I said good; never said great.)

If you're dumping someone because they're too good in bed, you're relationshipping wrong. Just sayin'. I'm kind of proud of it actually, that I was too good at sex for him to handle, so he left me. Sounds better than the truth that he was just a cheating asshole.

Hmmm...does "My ex husband left me because I was too good in bed" work in a dating profile?

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