Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Genitalia Fonts and Gender Equality

Long time no write. I just needed to vent.

Because of reasons, I was looking up penis fonts. As in, letters made with penises. It was for Dungeons & Dragons group-related reasons, and I'm just gonna leave it at that.

The point is, this search lead me down a rabbit hole. There are just so many penis fonts out there to download, you guys! As I fell down my Google-image search cascade (with safe search off, terrifyingly), I also found boob-themed fonts. Penises and boobs!

But you know what I couldn't find? Vulva fonts. They don't exist. I couldn't find them anywhere. It's a niche that needs to be filled, methinks. What happened to Rule 34? I am so disappointed in the Internet right now that I could find nothing.

I asked a few artist friends how much commission $$ it would take to design one, and now they've blocked me from Facebook.

This is an atrocity. We need vulva-themed fonts! Vulva-themed fonts for gender equality!

</drunk rant>