Tuesday, November 2, 2021

New move, new changes

 I have been so very, terribly inconsistent about writing here.

That last post, about my dog? I mentioned I took a trip out of town? I was with a guy, and meeting his kids for the first time. Yeah, we got married. I probably should mention that. (He actually bought a ring to propose with right before that trip, unbeknownst to me.) We eloped on Mount Rainier in August, and now we're moving across the country! It's exciting and terrifying and stressful all at once. Apparently I just need to uproot my life and drag myself kicking and screaming away every few years because...that's the pattern I got, apparently.

My dog, by the way, is actually doing a lot better since his surgery. We think he was fighting a low-key eye infection for about a year before he gouged his own eye out. He was treated with eye drops for a scrape on his eye, but he started collapsing when walking and having some behavioral issues. But since his eye was taken out, these have mostly resolved! He still has arthritis, and that's going to be something he's going to have to live with, so we still take it easy, but he's able to do a lot more now. 

I've been trying to write more, just not here. You can read my published short stories by clicking here. I have an author page on Facebook here as well, and a Linktree, too.

I'll try to update here more as I become more consistent with writing. NaNoWriMo is going to take up a lot of my life this month (and also, the move), but I'm still alive and still poking here from bit to bit.