Sunday, April 28, 2019

On chicken purses and financial responsibility

On Friday, which for me is like Monday, I started up my car and noticed a soft grinding noise whenever I turned the wheel to the right. It was still there at the coffee shop and I thought, "That's concerning. I should get that looked at Monday."

Two miles later as I pulled into work, the grinding had escalated to an awful metallic screeeeeeeeeech that was constant regardless of wheel position. "That....sounds awful and I need to get it looked at right fucking now!" I thought.

I had roadside assistance to cover my tow, but I knew I'd have to foot the repair bill for whatever was wrong. Was it the brakes? Did I shatter a bearing? Did the CV joint go out?

All day I worried. I had just got back from a mini vacation, where I spent a lot of money on frivolous crap, and here I was looking at probably at least a $300 repair, possibly more, possibly much more, and I had just blown money on crap like a chicken purse. A chicken purse!

It's a purse, shaped like a chicken.
If I had psychic foresight, I would have never blown money on something as frivolous as a chicken purse! 

I mentally prepared a list of plan B's in case the repair came out to over $1k. I have credit cards hiding somewhere in a storage unit I could go fish out. I could cancel an upcoming business trip which would break my coworkers' hearts as it's an excuse for us to go party. But the car repair was most important. I had to find a way to pay for it while kicking myself for wasting so much money.

Finally at 3PM I got the phone call: it was a rock in my rotor. They didn't even charge me for the repair! (Thanks, Chris at Bill Harris! You always treat me good!)  The only expense I ended up incurring was an Uber ride from my work to the shop.

So did I learn anything from this experience? Did I learn about what's important in life, and about being financially prepared? Do I still regret my frivolous recklessness with money?

Um, have you SEEN the chicken purse???

Chicken. Purse.

PS: I love all my coworkers who freaked out when the tow truck arrived and were all, "KATT! Your car is getting towed! Need us to go beat them up?" I mean, they were willing to go jump a random stranger they thought was taking my ride, no questions asked! That's family right there. I love them!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

My dog the anti-emotional support animal

I was recently reading a thread where someone was struggling to find pet friendly housing. Whenever I am in the same situation, someone inevitably suggests "just register your pet as a service/emotional support animal!" This is wrong on multiple levels, makes it difficult for people who legitimately need service animals, and is illegal. You should not fake a service dog or an ESA, people! 

But even for those reasons, there's another reason: my dog is the exact opposite of an emotional support animal.

The face of a shithead

Recently, I ended a year-long relationship and while it was a choice I had thought long and hard about and was the right choice to make, I still needed to have myself a good cry. My dog does not like it when I have a good cry. He gives me a side-eye, gets up...

...and the little shit leaves the room. He left for the bathroom, the room where dreaded baths are given, because he would rather sit there than deal with my drama. This is not unique to this past week's falling out; he was this way during previous breakups, during my divorce, during any time I needed a good ugly cry session.

He's a fuckhead who literally would be the worst emotional support animal.

Giving zero fucks about my feels
Oh, but if he's feeling anxious? You'd better drop whatever you're doing and comfort him!

This morning at 3 AM my fire alarm decided it had a low battery and randomly went off. My dog cannot stand fire alarms. It took him over half an hour of whining and shivering against me after I had thrown the chirping fire alarm outside (because 3 AM is too early to deal with that shit and I didn't have a battery replacement). 

If anyone is getting registered as anything, I should be registered as his emotional support human.

In fact, I designed a shirt designating me as such, because at this point might as well. You can click on links and order one yourself if you want:

Emotional Support Human T-Shirt
Emotional Support Human T-Shirt
by bhskittykatt

Someone said that I should have put "Please Pet" instead since I'm officially single again, but I'm also introverted and don't want people randomly touching me. So is my dog. So this seemed most appropriate.