Thursday, January 4, 2018

Here's a belated Happy New Year

I thought about writing a New Year post earlier, but was in a funk and didn't get around to it. I don't have a more clever excuse than that. Sue me.

2017 actually wasn't too bad a year for me. It wasn't too great, but it wasn't too bad. It was a neutral year. I had some losses, such as ending a big relationship and losing my Grandpa. I also had some big wins, like summiting Mailbox Peak, the hardest hike I've done so far.

I'm looking forward to accomplishing a few resolutions in 2018, so here goes.

1) Pay down my credit cards. This is something I need to do. After moving across the state, which I paid for out of pocket, and having some emergency expenses come up, including funeral travel, my credit card debt is...too much. I have paperwork being processed to take on a second job, the income from which will go primarily toward credit card debt. This ball has already been rolling.

2) Finish my novel.  Like, five or six years ago for my first NaNoWriMo, I wrote a draft of a novel called "Warriors & Wizards vs. Aliens & Zombies", and I never really got around to working on it beyond the first draft. Every few months I would pick it up and poke at it a bit, but school and work always got in the way. This is the first year I feel like I've settled down enough to sit down and start working on it. In fact, I've already been working on it the past few weeks.

3) Journal daily. I picked up some amazing guided journals in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport last October. It took me until yesterday to start one of them though, so I'm already late on that one.

4) Do a few landmark hikes. Namely, Mount Si, Kendall Katwalk, and (assuming trail repair goes well) Tunnel Falls. Which means to be in shape by summer I need to start training on a stair stepper, like, now.

So that's it. That's my goals for 2018. Nothing super extravagant.

What goals do you have for the new year?

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