Sunday, September 16, 2018

I'm living on a farm!

So the move is done. I've turned in my keys to my old place. We won't discuss unpacking. I have boxes in my storage unit that weren't unpacked from the last move.

Anyway, I live on farm. I don't have to work on the farm; I just live here.

There's Avocado Toast, which is what I named my roommate's donkey. Her name is actually Petunia but I'm trying to train her to respond to Avocado Toast. Toasty, for short. Unfortunately, she learned to associate me with food so if I ever extend my hand sans carrot I get bit now.

I've also developed some sort of rapport with their goat who I call Shitbag. I don't know his name but my roommates agree that Shitbag is an appropriate nickname because he likes to escape his pen. He doesn't wander far and eventually goes back in on his own, or he'll go back when Roommate's service dog chases him back in. We got into a headbutting match one morning, so there's something.

They have lots of other animals out in their pasture, but I haven't gotten acquainted with them all yet.

But yeah. It's a farm. Classic red barn and all.

Never thought I'd end up on a farm, but here I am.

Uber Eats does not deliver out here. Pizza can be delivered, but if you use the apps for the local chains it says we're out of their delivery area; you have to call in and actually verbally interact with another human and then they'll bring pizza. So far, this has been the biggest downside.

I'll write something deeper later. Right now, after all the chaos, I'm trying to settle back down into something resembling a routine. It's a work in progress.

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