Thursday, June 1, 2017

When time slows down

Ever been in an accident where you can't stop what's happening, but you have enough time to come to terms with it and prepare for it? A few years go, I was just finishing up one of my paper routes when I got hit by a drunk driver. It totaled my car, my first car. That car, a '97 Mitusbishi Mirage, was on its last legs and burned oil like no one's business, but I still had hoped to retire it on my terms. It had a whopping 1.4L engine, the smallest gas four-cylinder ever put in a vehicle as far as I know. When I got wires for it the guys at the parts store laughed at how small they were. But it was my first car, and I loved it, and it got wrecked by a drunk driver.

I saw the wreck coming. The guy was speeding around a corner, lost control, and was careening sideways when he plowed into the front of my car. There was no where for me to go. I just had to brace for it and take it. I came out okay except for my right foot and knee, which were on the brake pedal and took the force when he hit me. I spent the subsequent summer in physical therapy to recover from that, since it caused a lot of deep tissue scarring.

Even though it was probably only five or ten seconds from when I saw him lose control to when he hit me, I had time for all of the following thoughts to go through my head.

That guy's moving a bit fast.

That's some Tokyo Drift shit going on there.

Shit, he's going to hit me.


Dammit, got nowhere to go to.

It's okay. You're gonna survive this. It's gonna hurt, but you can survive this.

It's gonna fuck up your car, though.

You're not gonna finish your deliveries.

Call 911 first, then call your boss. Then the insurance company.

You're gonna need a new car after this.

Aw man, he's gonna fuck up my car.

I really like this car. 

Yeah, I mean, this car's already pretty fucked. But really? Why you gotta do this to me?

I'm gonna be fucked for days on my paper route now. Probably will take at least a few days to get a new car. How long does insurance reimbursement take? Forever I'm sure. Shit.

I'm gonna miss you car. You were a damn good car.

Fuck this jerk. This guy's an asshole. He's ruining my car.

Okay you can scream now.


Yeah, I was more concerned about my car than my own safety. Priorities, man.

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