Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My dog is an expensive little penis licker

I can't call him a ball licker because he has no balls.

Pups went to the vet. He loves the vet, because he is weird. The vet send him home with lots of drugs to dope him out and orders for rest. He wasn't convinced it was spinal yet. He thinks it's a pulled muscle. We'll see. The total vet was around $100.

Today I went to Petco to get some pet stairs (so he doesn't have to jump up on the bed) and some cushions (my dog likes to lay on the porch on one side and sun himself, and the vet thinks that's a contributing factor), and it cost me like almost $200. Pet stairs are expensive! Pet cushions are expensive! I also bought a bunch of stuff for the guinea pig but most of the cost was dog stuff. Then I went home and looked up some more back-friendly harnesses than what I currently have. The back brace my vet suggested is $100-140! I ended up spending another $50 for some new harnesses and leads; I'm gonna hold off on that back brace to see if I really need it or if the dog's issue resolves with meds and rest.

At least the dog figured out the stairs pretty quickly. He's already using them without prompting from me, and I've only had them for a couple hours. He's half Jack Russell, so he's smart, though he often does stupid shit that makes you forget he's smart, like when he climbs up a large rock and gets himself stuck so I have to climb after him and rescue him.

He's lucky he's adorable.

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