Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Can't we just let people enjoy the holiday?

So we recently had Father's Day, which is a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Of course, social media was flooded with people with pics of them and their fathers with sweet heartwarming messages. That's what the holiday is all about, right? Post happy messages on Facebook and get your dad a tie.

Of course, not everyone has a father. Some of my friends posted photos of their "alternative" fathers, which I think is perfectly acceptable. But apparently I have a lot of really bitter friends, because there were a lot of mopey people who seemed to be trying to turn the holiday into a poor-them pity-fest. Some of the posts were along the lines of "Enjoy your holiday, I'll be bitterly weeping in the corner" or some such.

Just, can we not? If you're that bitter, maybe take a hiatus from social media for a day. Find a friend to vent to, or a counselor if you're in a real pit. But to broadcast oh woe is me to your entire friends list and trying to pull their focus on you instead of their dads is a bit selfish and probably not a healthy way to cope with your issues. You're basically saying I see you're happy with your dad but pay attention to MEEE instead. That's what it comes across as to me.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. I can't exactly understand where they're coming from. But it just doesn't sit right with me. The closest I can have as an equivalent was the first Valentine's Day after my divorce. Lots of singles post similarly mopey posts around that day. I chose instead to leave the keyboard alone and just flip off the monitor while drinking lots and lots and lots of wine. Because as much pain as I was in, I didn't want to rain on anyone else's parade. Because the holiday wasn't about me.

(As an aside, I had a math teacher whose birthday was Valentine's Day, and he said for years as a kid growing up, he thought everyone was just celebrating his birthday every year. It wasn't until he was like 10 or something that he figured it out.)

So, let's check ourselves before we post, right?

In summary:

Appropriate Father's Day posts: celebrating your dad, memorializing your late dad, celebrating adopted dad figures, etc

Not appropriate Father's Day posts: mopey shit that makes it all about you and brings everyone down.

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